Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Orum Edition

Part of our research into the Rwot Ber Women's Association (the shea nut gatherers organization) led us to the weekly Saturday morning market that takes place beneath a halo of shea trees. The location once served as a rebel camp ground. We went to the market in search of shea oil, a common cooking oil in the region, and after a few hours of filming we sat our tired behinds down for a meal at the Obama Hotel (a round mud structure with a grass roof) for pigeon peas with shea nut oil and cassava.

While Ssanyu spoke with 11 saleswomen in the market whose husbands had been killed by The Lord's Resistance Army, I wandered around and took photographs.
We walked through the remnants of the IDP (Internally Displaced People) camps on the way to the market, a stark reminder of the atrocities that went on there. One woman said they had to always travel together to gather nuts during that time because gatherers were dissapearing, taken away by the rebels.

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